System Contol by Hand Gestures using Artificial Intelligence


  • Shruthi A Assistant Professor,CSE, ACSCE, Bengaluru
  • Ganga B M Associate Professor, CSE, ACSCE, Bengaluru
  • Aswini S Associate Professor,CSE, ACSCE, Bengaluru
  • Abhinandan B S Student, CSE, ACSCE, Bengaluru



Information era" is what we call the present world and there are many advancements in every field across the globe, especially in the field of AI computer vision. Researchers have found interesting results experimenting upon the fields which has lead to creation of many other interesting fields such as object detection, object tracking, image processing and more. Here in our project keeping "Vision Based Human Detection Techniques: A descriptive review", by Shahriar Shakir Sumit, Dayang rohaya among Rambli and Seyedali Mirjalili as the base paper, were implementing a project of hand tracking and gesture recognition to combine AI with computer vision to achieve complete control over computer without the use of Keyboard or mouse. The project involves simple and predefined gestures which is recognized by AI via camera in the computer and performs tasks accordingly. This project can be helpful to keep a wide step ahead to overcome the increasing problem of e-waste as the project completely eliminates the use of keyboards and mouse resulting in less production and hence less e- waste





